For those of you who thought film was dead, we’re happy to report that sentiment is clearly an exaggeration. First of all, a quick hashtag search on Instagram shows nearly 6 million users of #filmisnotdead vs a mere 6,816 tags with #filmisdead (!) Heck, that should settle it right there … but hey, don’t just take I/G’s word for it — go ahead and scroll down to see no less than five (5!) editorial stories and current ad campaigns that have run though the lab recently … and we’ve got more, believe us!
From the New Yorker to Nordstrom and Sonia Rikel to Nike — Zoe Ghertner, Max Farago, Ben Grieme, David Banjamin Sherry and Stefan Ruiz shot every format from 35mm to 8 x 10 this past season to deliver a stunning array of well … really cool stuff.
Ben Grieme:Nike AF-1 campaign, Fall 2017, click here
Top: Stefan Ruiz: William Eggelston, New Yorker, October, 2017 Bottom: David Benjamin Sherry, Laura Owens, New Yorker, October, 2017
The Collections of Artists Stefan Ruiz T Magazine / The New York Times December 5, 2103
Stefan Ruiz visited four diverse artists in their homes for this story about inspiration and the source of personal creativity.
Stefan Ruiz:The Collections of Artists, T Magazine / The New York Times, December 5, 2013 Top: Chuck Close Middle: KAWS (Brian Donnelly), Ugo Rondinone Bottom: Jeff Koons